Selling tips

17 december 2019

Selling your property in Curacao can be overwhelming. You’re packing everything up, trying to make the house look pristine when all around you is what feels like chaos. Since buyers want that great first impression, you know it’s important to declutter—often that means cleaning until your home looks like it’s never been lived in. And…

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Funda Curacao

8 september 2019

Are you looking for a home on Curacao? Where do you start the search and where do you end it? Curacao does not have a collection website such as Funda or JAAP in the Netherlands. There are already several parties on Curacao that have set up a similar website as Funda, but due to a…

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Return on investment in Curacao

20 juli 2019

Return on investment (ROI), is usually abbreviated as ROI, this is a concept that investors in particular will ask for when they are looking for an investment when you talk to them. But what does this actually mean? What does it consist of, how can you calculate the ROI and what exactly do investors expect?…

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